Thank you!

I am not going to say that our journey has been easy, it is never easy receiving a diagnosis for a loved one, any kind of diagnosis, and every person copes in a different way. What may be painful to me, may not be painful for someone else. The way I handled my struggles everyday may not be the same way you would, but I am so glad that in this journey I have family and friends I can count on and that respect my way of dealing with it.

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.” ~Albert Schweitzer

I am not sure I have thanked everyone that has supported my family through this journey. If you are reading this you are a member of “the sweetest gift family” 🙂 So here is a small gesture of gratitude to all our family and friends that have been by our side every step of the way. Some close, some from far away. We are truly blessed for having you all in our lives. THANK YOU is not enough, but it is all we have.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you.  To express your appreciation,  sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.  Truly appreciate those around you,  and you’ll soon find many others around you.  Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.” ~ Ralph Marston

Here are some pictures of our “The Sweetest Gift Family”, because we are not just a team!!! I will update this page with pictures as we get them! By the way, you can still get a t-shirt, just send a message to



Arkansas – USA
familia-guta-e-mari img_0535_fotortaty-e-familia rosangela-familybrandon emma