First big event

Life can be crazy busy, and even working only on weekends the last few months have been full of activities and I haven’t found the time to update the blog. It is like that saying “time flies when you are having fun!” . But here I am to resume the blog update!!!

One of my best friends here in the US got married on September 23rd. It was a small wedding, but the idea of having to keep Guto still for a while just made my body shake. The first thing that I thought was “I am going to ask my in laws to keep him, this way we won’t have to worry about him getting in the middle of the ceremony and we would be able to enjoy the party”. It just so happened that my in-laws had already planned on going out of town that weekend so I guess it was meant to be a test for us! That’s one of the downsides of living so far away from my family. But we made it work.

We managed to get everybody ready on time for the party, including Guto! We were invited just for the reception because the actual ceremony was just for close family members. We got to my friends house at the time she asked us to. All the guests were supposed to wait for the newlyweds outside the house to welcome them. When it was thought they were getting close, everyone went outside and got ready. It took a little longer for the newlyweds to the reception than expected. I won’t lie, it was making me very nervous as I knew Guto was not going to stay still for long. He was getting inpatient and just wanted to walk around, especially on the street.

Luckily they had a drone flying around to wait for the couple and that kept Guto entertained for a while. It was beautiful when they got to the reception. Guto liked the petals that were thrown at them. They also had a friend playing the “piano,” which was another thing Guto enjoyed. And we all enjoyed watching him dance.

I am sure the picture that was taken of everyone there was not exactly what my friend had in mind as Guto would not stay still and would stop in front of everybody. I am glad my friend is so awesome and didn’t care. She even told the photographer, as she was asking us to pick him up and take him out of the front of the picture, to just go ahead and take the picture anyway.

Overall he was pretty well behaved. I believe that he behaved as most typical toddlers would in an event like that. He just got mad when I wouldn’t let him get inside the pool, but I was able to distract him with music, which as before, we all enjoyed seeing him dance until it was time for us to go home. In the end, we survived taking him to our first wedding!

Survivors faces
Survivors faces