The Walk!

My parents got here at the end of September and it is always wonderful to have them around. I thought I would have tons of spare time with them being here to write the blog and catch up on things, but was I mistaken! It seems like I was even busier than ever.

We participated for the first time in the Autism Speaks Walk a couple of days after they arrived. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I wish we had got to the Clinton Library earlier, but it was not easy to get Guto out of bed that morning. He woke up a bit indisposed and we were afraid he might actually be getting sick. But when we got there and Guto saw the stage it didn’t take long for him to go up on it and try to get into everything he could.

The organization was great. There were a lot more people than what I expected. I loved seeing all the families supporting their loved ones. I am not sure if it was because there were so many people, but Guto was not on his best mood and just wanted to stay in the bouncy house. Therefore I didn’t walk around to see all the tents and people that were there, but as far as I could tell everything was a success.


My heart was full to see family and friends together supporting us. Our team was awesome as you can see in the picture. There aren’t enough words to say how thankful I am for everyone that came (from close by and far away) and helped to make this day even more special. The actual walk was pretty short and afterwards most of our team went to Café Bossa Nova for lunch. Nothing like celebrating this great day with family, friends and good food.


“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” – Mandy Hale

PS: more pictures to follow